7th BIFA :: BAK Russian Sable

Results of the joint International Fur
Auction in Saint Petersburg

Sales results of joint international fur auction the Baikal Auction Company «Russian Sable» and «Auction Company «Sojuzpushnina» in December, 19-20, 2020

December auction showed signs of recovery, which is manifested by the growth of percentage of sales in December compared to October auction. Brokers from Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Canada and other countries participated in the auction as well as several new buyers from Russia, Turkey and Hong Kong.

During this auction 40% of the collection was sold while in October it was only 11%.

This time demand for all types of wild sable was intense which differs significantly from the October auction where a clear preference was given to a Barguzinsky sable.

We marked a greater interest to the most expensive items (silvery Barguzinsky) as well as for low-price goods. The range of prices was from 15 dollars up to 330 dollars.

Eniseisky sable was in high demand and 76% of the skins of this category was sold.

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The Baikal Auction Company «Russian Sable» and Auction Company «Sojuzpushnina» thanks all byers for participation in the auction and we invite to our auctions in 2021.