5th BIFA :: BAK Russian Sable

Results of the 5th
Baikal International Fur Auction in Moscow

The 5th International fur auction was held by the "Russian sable" auction house on May 14, 2019 in the city of Moscow.

More than 26 thousand sable skins were presented including:

– Barguzinsky type of about 23,5 thousand;
– Kamchatka type of about 2 thousand;
– Other (Yenisei, Sakhalin) types of about 500 skins.

Thanks to the active work of the “Russian Sable” staff it turned out to be possible to “soften” the price fall, even though there was a relatively low number of skins, a high percentage of low-valued sable (hence the large gap between the average price of the Barguzinsky type and the overall average price of the fifth auction) and the low prevailing market prices for sable fur in the world.
Last season was a turning point. Prices and the percentage of sales at the Baikal International Fur auction stopped lagging behind the prices of the St. Petersburg Fur Auction. It demonstrates the steady work of our "Russian Sable" auction house.
In accordance with the abovementioned, taking into account the new upcoming hunting season of 2019-2020, it is a pleasure for us to invite fur harvesters, hunting providers, hunters, hunting amateurs to cooperatation which will help all of us grow in professional and financial ways.

26593 All skins
24087 Barguzinsky
31 Sakhalin
462 Yenisei
2009 Kamchatsky

sold 93%
average price for 1 (one) skin
the average price of sable skins of the Barguzin type was 69,63$
The top lot of the wild raw sable was bought by Kazakevich Mark for the self-employed entrepreneur Khachaturov at a price of $550 per skin.